How to show inventory status in shopping cart.

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10 лет назад
Here is how it looks.

Here is the tiny bit of code to do it:


Line 80 public string StockAvailability { get; set; }


Line 461 StockAvailability = sci.Product.FormatStockMessage(_localizationService)


<div class="stocklevel">
   <strong> @T("ShoppingCart.StockLevel"):</strong> @item.StockAvailability

And you need a value for "ShoppingCart.StockLevel" in language strings.

Nop Team, Please add this to the next release...

This is such an obvious need, it should have been there versions ago.
10 лет назад
Nice feature indeed. But make it a setting since I do not require it. It can be a new feature.
10 лет назад
~I did this in my store (2.8) and submitted code for inclusion in 3.0 a way back though it was not adopted.

You can see the changes I made in the fork
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