How can i make short-description display as a list?

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9 лет назад
<ol style="margin-left: 30px;">
<li>this is paragraph 1</li>
<li>this is paragraph 2</li>
<li>this is paragraph 3</li>
<li>this is paragraph 4</li>

(you may need to adjust margin 30px)
9 лет назад
ima9ines wrote:


You can do it by following steps:

- Open the "Nop.Admin/Views/Product/_CreateOrUpdate.Info.cshtml" file
- Modify following line of code:

@Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Locales[item].ShortDescription, new { style = "Width: 250px; Height: 150px;" })


@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Locales[item].ShortDescription, "RichEditor")

Hope this help :)

9 лет назад

How to make RickEditor in Short Description with style Width: 250px; Height: 150px;

Thank you!
8 лет назад
This template not applied (not active) be with nopCommerce 3.7!

Please help me?
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