SQL Express

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15 лет назад
I'm usign SQLExpress and i've same problem.
Can I use it? Why I've message:

Unable to use SQL Server because ASP.NET version 2.0 Session State is not installed on the SQL server. Please install ASP.NET Session State SQL Server version 2.0 or above.

2) login failed
Impossibile aprire il database "G:\SITI\NOPCOMMERCE\NOPCOMMERCEWEB\APP_DATA\NOPCOMMERCE.MDF" richiesto dall'account di accesso. Accesso non riuscito.
Accesso non riuscito per l'utente 'Blucons-Glauco\Admin'
15 лет назад
Yes. You can use MS SQL Express.

1) By default nopCommerce uses in-process session state. But if you want to use an out-of-process SQL Server database to store state information, you should install it first. You should execute "aspnet_regsql -S serverName -U userName -P password -ssAdd".

You can read about session state configuration here

2) Can you write it in english?
15 лет назад
P.S. nopCommerce is ASP.NET 3.5 based (not ASP.NET 2.0).
15 лет назад
ok, my computer use 'Blucons-Glauco\Admin' user from visual studio 2005 web servr debug,

Both users can't acces to Database. I think that the users can't execute the storedProcedure. Is possible?
How can I resolve it?

15 лет назад
You can't use Visual Studio 2005. nopCommerce is ASP.NET 3.5 based (not ASP.NET 2.0). You should use Visual Studio 2008.

Also I recommend you to download this manual "Installation and setup" (https://www.nopcommerce.com/downloads/InstallationAndSetup.pdf)
15 лет назад
I've just installed NopCommerce, and when I run it form '//localhost:123/',
I recivie the error message 'Cannot open user default database. Login failed.
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE'.'
15 лет назад

        public static LanguageCollection GetAllLanguages(bool showHidden)
            LanguageCollection languageCollection = new LanguageCollection();
            Database db = NopDataHelper.CreateConnection();
            DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand("Nop_LanguageLoadAll");
            db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "ShowHidden", DbType.Boolean, showHidden);
            using (IDataReader dataReader = db.ExecuteReader(dbCommand))

The line db.ExecuteReader(dbCommand)) is the point where the error is rised
15 лет назад
Give 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' required permissions (sql server settings).
15 лет назад
Normally, with asp.net application, I don't have to modify the permission for DB.
I've 3 application with sqlExpress DB and no more setup are necessary.

however, the user NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE is db_datareader and db_datawriter, but this user can't execute the storedProcedure
15 лет назад
I've tested the same database in the same directory, with custom testApplication using System.Data.SlqClient connection and command, and not have error.

        System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection appcomm = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection();
        appcomm.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NopSqlExpressssss"].ConnectionString;
        SqlCommand cmd = appcomm.CreateCommand();
        cmd.CommandText = "Nop_LanguageLoadAll";
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        cmd.Parameters[0].Value = false;

How is possible? Moreover, when other application is started and conneciont opened, NopCommerce can connect with database without problem
The same code in the NopCommerce module, releas the same connection error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you help me?
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