Problem on productinfo

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14 лет назад

I'm dealing with a problem, and I'm stuck.

Hope that anyone give me a clue what to do.

I have done some modicifations to the standard code, but in some way, Something is going wrong. On the productinfo page, none of the buttons are raising an event, but are just refreshing the page. For example, the button add to cartin the ProductVariantsInGrid.ascx, when it is being pushed, it does not raise the rptVariants_OnItemCommand event, but instead, the page is refreshed, reloading the repeater again.

I someone has a clue, a hint, or better the solution :-) let me know!

14 лет назад
Note: on other pages, everything is working as it should be.
14 лет назад
Restore the orgininal page and try again?
14 лет назад
They are identical.
14 лет назад
OK, the prolem lies somewhere in the twocolumn master page, because when I change it to the onecolumn masterpage. The problem is gone.
14 лет назад
Found the problem. Appearantly the system was not too happy with:

<asp:ImageButton ID="imgOrderSummary" runat="server" ImageUrl="../App_Themes/blue/images/shopping_btn.gif"
                        PostBackUrl="~/ShoppingCart.aspx" />
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