TrendyShoes1.90.1 is updating products (WARNING: avoid

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13 лет назад
TrendyShoes180 is avaliable to download now. aims to provide professional andaffordable business friendly templates to ecommerce companies. We keep onadding new enterprise features to nopcommerce. So far TrendyShoes template hassold over 70 copies in last three months. It is not only a good start forfamily and small ecommerce but also save you a lot of effort if you’re adeveloper.

For customers who have bought this template, please login and go to My Account->My downloadable products to download.

Please backup everything before you install!

New Features:

1.      Upgrade to nopcommerce1.80

2.      RecentlyAddedProducts Pageajaxed

3.      Manufacturer Page ajaxed

4.      ProductTag Page ajaxed

5.      Add to Cart Pro (no call back)

Click Add to Cart

Future Release

Front End User Experience (mainly ajaxfeatures)

1.      One page checkout (no callback) – next release (this Oct.)

2.      Product Zoom in / out feature –next release (this Oct.)

3.      Navigation Pro

4.      Hot Product Symbols

5.      Search Auto Complete and autosuggestions (based on database fully index)

6.      Ajax Search Result page

7.      Free LIVECHAT integration.(absolutely free)

We’ll also gradually release some otherenterprise features like help desk, promotion manager(buy one get one free,three for two, etc), professional banners manager(you can edit store front inbackend easily). I’ll write you a list of all features we plan to add after wefinish User Experience features. We guarantee your £99 is absolutely worth it.

Bugs fixed

1.      Currency symbols can be changedcorrectly

2.      Support multi language features

3.      Maximum priced product can bedisplayed correctly

4.      Category and ManufacturerBanners can be displayed correctly

5.      Some errors in general storehave been fixed

Some websitesusing this template

After I release this template in mid of June,we have sold over 70 copies and I really appreciate the feedbacks from you.

Here’re some of the websites using thistemplate: (Our team builtthis site from scratch), banners did by us), banners did by us)

Next release

I tried my best to catch up the pace ofnopcommerce new releases however I’m in the middle of development thesefeatures therefore I can’t update exactly on time. Thanks for your patience. I’llrelease OnePageCheckout(no call back) and Product Zoom/in Out features thisOctober.

If you want to know what these two featureslook like, please refer to:

One page checkout:

Select a product and add to cart, processto check out, and you will see.

Zoom in/out:

Click zoom images

How can I series.

1.      How can I change the homepagebanners?

Homepage banners are located in NopCommerceStore\BannerImages\homepagefolder,

Just copy and replace them then it will be OK.

Please note that flash has cache and you need refresh yourbrowser several times

2.      How can I add Category pagebanners and Manufacturer page banners?

Login to back end, and navigate to Catalog->Categories

Select a category you want to put banners in, and clickedit,

Click HTML edit icon, add the code:

<a shape="rect" href="#"><imgsrc="../BannerImages/Banners/Women.jpg" complete="complete"?="" /></a>

Don’t forget to put your banners in “NopCommerceStore\BannerImages\Banners” folder

3.      How can I change the number ofproduct displayed on each page?

Navigate to Category / Manufacturer Editpage, Click SEO/DISPLAY, you can change the page size here.

Any other questions, please email: [email protected]

I’ll reply you within 24 hours(I can't reply you in time on weekends). I can bealso reached by skype: lanren7771. Please add me if you have any enquires.

Note: nextrelease our javascript code will be encrypted, we will reservedeveloper interfaces so that you can change the style of these controls.

When youpurchase it, don’t forget to enter your site URL。


13 лет назад
I like your theme very much, I am having troubles in applying html to nopcommerce, can you help me? or what's the cost?
13 лет назад
13 лет назад

Really like this theme but over a hundred pounds to buy it for my's a bit to much.

Did anybody buy this for a project and finally didn't use it? Please send an email to janvangieten (at) and maybe we can make a deal.
13 лет назад
thanks for chatting with me on skype! I can't wait for the download! then.. site goes live by the weekend!

If you think about the amount of time it would've taken Larry to code the ajax implementation for the trendy shoes theme I think the price is excellent. The source is clear and concise and the solution is elegant..

I think it adds some features that were missing from the base version of nop that other carts have as very standard features these days and i applaud him for pushing those features forward.. i guess if you think about it.. how much time does it save you as a developer and what is your time worth per hour.. OR how much expense does it save to hire a developer or freelancer to even implement one of the features in trendy shoes..

I dunno I'm not trying to say that trendy shoes and future releases are for everyone.. but i do think that in thinking about value for money + time.. it's an excellent start imo for developers and newbies alike
13 лет назад
I bought the template at the end of October and since then I've had some problems to be resolved quickly, but so far remain. I have sent many emails explaining but are totally ignored.
The problems are:
1. when we open the project in VS2010 it asks for authentication;
2. The administration link is gone;
3. button "wishlist" is gone;

In short, I think the template very good, but if you need support you will have problems.
13 лет назад
I'd love the wishlist button back too please!!
13 лет назад
Have another bug report..

you can't add product attribute combinations..

I had the scenario where i want to add a drop down list of ring sizes on my website and then have it manage stock levels per ring size..

the bug in trendy shoes is that the front-end ProductAttributes.ascx file has been modified and larry has put

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)

The !Page.IsPostBack check means that when the admin section is posting back and tries to retrieve the value from the attribute controls to assign to the product attribute combination.. the controls aren't rendered and hence no values are returned for the call to
public string SelectedAttributes 
on line 322 of ~/Modules/ProductAttributes.ascx.cs

from the admin call on line 270 of ~/Administration/Modules/ProductVariantAttributes.ascx.cs to
string attributes = ctrlSelectProductAttributes.SelectedAttributes;

so alas.. I'd love to fix the bug but have no idea what the implications of removing the !Page.IsPostBack call from ProductAttributes.ascx.cs would be....

Larry if you could please help asap that'd be awesome as the site is now live and stock control is important!
13 лет назад
Larry has handled all pending issues. All problems have been corrected as of today. Thanks Larry.
13 лет назад
adidave wrote:
Larry Lan is ignoring his customers. I have tried several times to contact him via Email, His website and Skype. I have spent a lot of money with this guy and he refuses to answer my questions.

Potential Customers please beware. Until Mr. Lan starts offering prompt customer service I would recommend not considering him as a potential partner.

if you need to integrate google analytics.

Please go to admin -> Configuration -> Global Settings -> tick the checkbox(enabled) -> copy and paste your google anaytlcis code there.

This is a functionality which has been integrated into nopcommerce but still sorry didn't let you know in time.

Please email me: [email protected] if you cannot do it:)
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