Does nop runs on sql server express 2008 with advance services

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14 лет назад

the masterpages are in the folder NopCommerceStore-->masterPages
and the css file are in NopCommerceStore-->app_themes-->TheThemeYouWantToAlter

as VWD does not let you compile changes, you are probably as well to open the folder NopCommerceStore as a WEBSITE (from VWD file menu) (if you are interested in developing, you might still be able to get Visual Studio for free through microsofts web platform installer)

try it again and, as rcnopcom says, post the error message to let us see it.

As far as hosting is concerned, i've avoided godaddy simply because of the amount problems posted on this forum - i tried WH4L but after dropped them after 4 weeks waiting for them to fix a technical problem with their new platform. I followed a forum recommendation for :


and so far they are pretty quick to help with any questions :-)
14 лет назад
I think i'm getting to the root of the problem, unfortunately without a solution.

I'm trying to use nopCommerce as an extension or addon to an existing site.

Site 1: I installed v1.3 on an html site through GoDaddy (the day before v1.4 came out) as a subfolder - worked fine.

Site 2: Trying to install (and have uninstalled a couple times) on a .Net 3.5 site (also as a subfolder) - not working.

My guess is that nopCommerce wants to be the only app running. I have two web.config files one in subfolder '/store' and one in the root. Tried doing a quick merge to bring the nopCommerce web.config up to the root - didn't work. It would help if someone had instruction on installing nopCommerce to an existing .Net site. I am still fairly new to c# and .Net so I'm learning as I go.

I let godaddy handle the database creation and installation of nopC. didn't work.

I'll get the errors and post them - I had config, and then runtime errors - I've been adjusting things back and forth.
14 лет назад
haydie wrote:
the masterpages are in the folder NopCommerceStore-->masterPages
and the css file are in NopCommerceStore-->app_themes-->TheThemeYouWantToAlter

Yeah, I saw the master pages, and have already modified one of the themes. However, none of the masterpages show the template content just a few module placeholders- i thought they might show the real layout once i ran install.aspx, but i can't even do that.

as far as a database goes, just create an empty mssql database - right?
14 лет назад
you can create an empty databse and manually run the

over it - and add the connection string to your web.config file

re integrating:
i've not done this, but i know others have spoken about it on the forum (actually done this) so if you have a search, you might either find relevant information or at least find someone who you can pm questions to
14 лет назад
I had an a-ha moment! Just wanted to post what happened in case someone else runs into the same issue - installing nopcommerce into an existing site.

The problem is that the root web.config trickles down into the nopcommerce app - installed into a subfolder.

The fix is to go to the httpHandlers tag in the root web.config, copy the add tags, paste them into the same place in the nopCommerce web.config leaving the others in place (so paste these before the built-in ones.) Then change the ones you pasted into removes and take out the type and validate attributes.

Works great!

GoDaddy support kindof pointed me in the right direction.
14 лет назад
Yes, it runs on SQL 2008 w/ Advanced Services.  It also will run locally.  I'm running it locally on IIS 7 and SQL 2008.

Create an application in IIS under your Default Website.  http://localhost/nopCommerce for example.  Create a dedicated Application Pool if your default app pool has be configured for another site.

I created a "Classic .NET AppPool" with .Net Framework Version: 2.0 and Pipeline mode: Classic and it works.

It should also run in a subdirectory if the subdirectory is converted to an application.

There are some GDI/image directory permission settings that were required in prior versions.
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