Intallation failure

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14 лет назад
I was just letting users know what was on my system.  I am not using MySQL I am using Microsoft SQL.

Thank you
14 лет назад
I am still getting the following using Microsoft SQL:

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\IUSR'

Thank you
14 лет назад
deemurphy wrote:
I am still getting the following using Microsoft SQL:

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\IUSR'

Thank you

Show us the error on line 155 again please.
14 лет назад
I removed MySql and PHP, so they are no longer involved.  I was getting this from the start three months ago.  I had just installed them this week, but they now have been removed.  I removed nopCommerce folder as well and started over and that is what I got from trying to install nopCommerce this time as well.

Thank you
14 лет назад
You're still not showing us the exact error you are getting now.

Telling us it is the same does not do it for the peple trying to help you.
14 лет назад
I am only getting this, please forget php and mysql.  This is coming from Microsoft SQl:

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\IUSR'.

Thank you
14 лет назад
OK shows us what you have on line 155 (presuming the info you showed us before is still the same line #).
14 лет назад
I do not even know where I found that at, I have been trying to get an answer for so long, all I know is that I am getting

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\IUSR'.

as the problem right now.

14 лет назад
I finally got it install by bring it up in Visual Studio, pointing to the deafult.aspx.  This tool me to the setup and I used the NT loging and everything got set up.

Is it possible to take this applcation from one server to another, both of them are mine.  Can they be zipped up and moved.

Thank you
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