Setting up HomePage Categories.

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9 лет назад
Hey everyone,

I am trying to set up the homepage on my store so that it is similar to the one depicted in the nopCommerce demo home page.  I found the setup really clean and believe it would work well for me.

I want the column of categories to be displayed on the left side, however, right now when I choose to show categories on the home page they show up as large boxes and look really unprofessional.   The size of them causes my "featured products" to be displayed so low that you have to scroll down to see them.  

I also tried using the NIVO slider plug in and that was also huge and took up allot of the screen.  Does adjusting the size of the slider require altering the code?  And how do I get the categories to display on the side?  They do this once I select a category and am navigating through the store.  I just don't know how to go about making that change.

Thanks in advance for any and all your help.

9 лет назад
Did some looking around on the site and found that there are already a number of different page layouts available.  However, I am not sure where to make the change.  

_ColumnsThree.cshml Layout  Is the layout that I would like to use.
9 лет назад
Vincent_Ghost wrote:
Did some looking around on the site and found that there are already a number of different page layouts available.  However, I am not sure where to make the change.  

_ColumnsThree.cshml Layout  Is the layout that I would like to use.

Hi ,

Go to Views/Home/Index.cshtml and change layout like below :

   Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_ColumnsThree.cshtml";

Thanks .
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