Windows live Writer and Nopcommerce?

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14 лет назад
Is there a way to use Windows live writer with Nopcommerce's Blog feature?  If so, how?
14 лет назад
Nope!  I'm sure it could be implemented but its not included out of the box.
12 лет назад

This plugin is open source and available to the public, free of charge:
12 лет назад
joe_a84 wrote:
This plugin is open source and available to the public, free of charge:

Are there, or can someone provide, install instructions for this?  Where should the files be placed? I am assuming the only files needed are: MetaWeblogAPI.ashx and CookComputing.XmlRpc.dll?

I've tried, but when I try to connect with LiveWriter, it's not working for me.  The error is below:

Can't connect to your blog service:
Server Error - The server reported an error with the following web address:
500 Internal Server Error
Please try fixing the problem and then try again.
12 лет назад

Copy the files as is into nopCommerce 2.x. SO, you need all files in App_Code, bin and the .ashx file in your project. It seems like you're missing the App_Code folder.
12 лет назад
Ok.  Thx.  Now getting this error in Visual Studio:

Compiler Error Message: CS0433: The type 'CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcService' exists in both 'c:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\c444d80e\f8a5473f\CookComputing.XmlRpcV2.dll' and 'c:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\c444d80e\f8a5473f\assembly\dl3\70e5eb41\d8d9ee30_be29cd01\CookComputing.XmlRpc.DLL'


Line 22:     public class MetaWeblog : XmlRpcService, IMetaWeblog
12 лет назад
Ok.  Here's the answer.  Struck by a variation of DLL Hell, which I thought .net was supposed to eliminate.  Well, technically, I suppose it did, in that I couldn't compile.

CookComputing.XmlRpcV2.dll is also used by both Plugins\Misc.MailChimp and packages\PerceptiveMCAPI.  

By deleting it from the bin folder, the app compiles and I'm able to use Windows Writer Live as advertised.

Questions for the gurus:  

How do  you avoid this situation where multiple extensions or plugins use the same .dll creating a conflict?

Also, what would need to be done to make this this extension a plugin?


12 лет назад
I'm curious...
Did you try deleting the dll from the App_Code folder rather than the bin folder? (if that would work, it would answer your first question)
12 лет назад
Not sure what you mean as there was no .dll in the App_Code folder.
12 лет назад
I guess I misunderstood; I thought that's where you deployed it.
Then maybe delete from the other plugin folders
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