Promotion and Tax calculation issue v1.40

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14 лет назад
Does anyone have a workaround or correction which we can already apply on the existing v1.40 version?

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,
14 лет назад
The problem seems also to be existing in the v1.50 release:

Example: 10% promotion on the Total Order; both Items and Shipping Costs are including a 21% VAT, this is the result on the Shopping Cart:

Sub-Total  9,99
Discount  -0,83
Shipping  3,99
Tax  2,42
Total  13,15

For me to be correct is that it should be as follows: the customer want's to have the discount of the Total of the items including the tax.  Values should be rounded to 2 decimals (note: 0.555 will become 0.56 and not 0.55).

Sub-Total  9,99
Discount  -1,00
Shipping  3,99
Tax  2,25
Total  12,98

Kind Regards,
14 лет назад
1. These discounts (discount type "Assigned to whole order]") are not taxable
2. Discounted amount of these discounts (discount type "Assigned to whole order]") are based on order subtotal excluding tax. If you need to override this behavior, then modify OrderManager.GetShoppingCartSubTotal() method.
14 лет назад
Thank you, this was a great help for me.

Kind Regards,

These are the changes in case someone is interested:



                    // **LV**100329**START
                    // Take into account a possible Order % Discount when calculating the Tax.
                    // decimal shoppingCartTaxBase = TaxManager.GetTaxTotal(Cart, paymentMethodID, NopContext.Current.User, ref TaxError);
                    decimal shoppingCartTaxBase = TaxManager.GetTaxTotal(Cart, paymentMethodID, NopContext.Current.User, ref TaxError, appliedDiscount);
                    // **LV**100329**END


using NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Promo.Discounts;  // **LV**100329

        // **LV**100329**START
        //public static decimal GetTaxTotal(ShoppingCart Cart, Customer customer, ref string Error)
        public static decimal GetTaxTotal(ShoppingCart Cart, Customer customer, ref string Error, Discount orderDiscount)
        // **LV**100329**END
            // **LV**100329**START
            // return GetTaxTotal(Cart, 0, customer, ref Error);
            return GetTaxTotal(Cart, 0, customer, ref Error, orderDiscount);
            // **LV**100329**END

        // **LV**100329**START
        //public static decimal GetTaxTotal(ShoppingCart Cart, int PaymentMethodID,
        //    Customer customer, ref string Error)
        public static decimal GetTaxTotal(ShoppingCart Cart, int PaymentMethodID,
            Customer customer, ref string Error, Discount orderDiscount)
        // **LV**100329**END
            decimal taxTotal = decimal.Zero;

            // **LV**100329**START
            // Check if there was a % percentage discount for the order.
            decimal orderDiscountPercentage;
            if (orderDiscount != null && orderDiscount.UsePercentage && orderDiscount.DiscountPercentage > 0)
                orderDiscountPercentage = orderDiscount.DiscountPercentage;
                orderDiscountPercentage = 0;
            // **LV**100329**END

            decimal itemsTaxTotal = decimal.Zero;
            foreach (var shoppingCartItem in Cart)
                decimal subTotalWithoutDiscountExclTax = decimal.Zero;
                decimal subTotalWithoutDiscountInclTax = decimal.Zero;

                string Error1 = string.Empty;
                string Error2 = string.Empty;
                // **LV**100329**START
                //subTotalWithoutDiscountExclTax = TaxManager.GetPrice(shoppingCartItem.ProductVariant, PriceHelper.GetSubTotal(shoppingCartItem, customer, true), false, customer, ref Error1);
                //subTotalWithoutDiscountInclTax = TaxManager.GetPrice(shoppingCartItem.ProductVariant, PriceHelper.GetSubTotal(shoppingCartItem, customer, true), true, customer, ref Error2);
                decimal itemPrice = PriceHelper.GetSubTotal(shoppingCartItem, customer, true);
                if (orderDiscountPercentage > 0)
                    itemPrice = itemPrice * ((100 - orderDiscountPercentage) / 100);
                subTotalWithoutDiscountExclTax = TaxManager.GetPrice(shoppingCartItem.ProductVariant, itemPrice, false, customer, ref Error1);
                subTotalWithoutDiscountInclTax = TaxManager.GetPrice(shoppingCartItem.ProductVariant, itemPrice, true, customer, ref Error2);
                // **LV**100329**END


        public static string PlaceOrder(PaymentInfo paymentInfo, Customer customer,
            Guid OrderGuid, out int OrderID)

                //tax total
                decimal orderTaxTotal = decimal.Zero;
                decimal orderTaxInCustomerCurrency = decimal.Zero;
                if (!paymentInfo.IsRecurringPayment)
                    string TaxError = string.Empty;
                    // **LV**100329**START
                    // Take into account a possible Order % Discount when calculating the Tax.
                    //orderTaxTotal = TaxManager.GetTaxTotal(cart, paymentInfo.PaymentMethodID, customer, ref TaxError);
                    Discount orderDiscount = appliedDiscounts.Count > 0 ? appliedDiscounts[0] : null;
                    orderTaxTotal = TaxManager.GetTaxTotal(cart, paymentInfo.PaymentMethodID, customer, ref TaxError, orderDiscount);
                    // **LV**100329**END
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TaxError))
                        throw new NopException("Tax total couldn't be calculated");


        public static decimal? GetShoppingCartTotal(ShoppingCart Cart, int PaymentMethodID, Customer customer)

            // **LV**100329**START
            // Take into account a possible Order % Discount when calculating the Tax.
            // decimal shoppingCartTax = TaxManager.GetTaxTotal(Cart, PaymentMethodID, customer, ref TaxError);
            decimal shoppingCartTax = TaxManager.GetTaxTotal(Cart, PaymentMethodID, customer, ref TaxError, appliedDiscount);
            // **LV**100329**START
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TaxError))
                return null;

        public static string GetShoppingCartSubTotal(ShoppingCart Cart, Customer customer,
            out decimal discountAmount, out Discount appliedDiscount,
            out List<AppliedGiftCard> appliedGiftCards, bool includingTax,
            out decimal subtotalWithoutPromo, out decimal subtotalWithPromo)

            #region Discounts
            //Discount amount (excl tax)
            //We calculate discount amount on subtotal excl tax
            //This type of discounts [Assigned to whole order] is not taxable
            // **LV**100329**START
            // Calculate the Order Discount on the Order Total including the Tax.
            if (includingTax) {
                discountAmount = GetOrderDiscount(customer, subTotalInclTaxWithoutDiscount, out appliedDiscount);

                // If the appliedDiscount is not a percentage then recalc it without tax.
                if (appliedDiscount != null && !appliedDiscount.UsePercentage)
                    discountAmount = GetOrderDiscount(customer, subTotalExclTaxWithoutDiscount, out appliedDiscount);
                // **LV**100329**END
                discountAmount = GetOrderDiscount(customer, subTotalExclTaxWithoutDiscount, out appliedDiscount);

            //sub totals with discount
            decimal subTotalWithDiscount = decimal.Zero;
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