Shipping option could not be loaded

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8 лет назад
when a customer puts in a new address which is different from there billing address I receive shipping option could not be loaded in the shopping cart.

Thanks in advance
8 лет назад
Check your Shipping Rate Calculation Method.  If they don't return any services/rates, then you will get that error message.
E.g. if using By Weight, do you have customer's country/state set up?  If using UPS, FedEx, etc. do you have all needed services selected? (e.g. International services)
8 лет назад
Thanks for your help.  The problem was I had a state filled in and a zip code filled in  in stead of using wide cards
8 лет назад
Thanks for your help.  The problem was I had a state filled in and a zip code filled in  in stead of using wide cards
7 лет назад
New York wrote:
Check your Shipping Rate Calculation Method.  If they don't return any services/rates, then you will get that error message.
E.g. if using By Weight, do you have customer's country/state set up?  If using UPS, FedEx, etc. do you have all needed services selected? (e.g. International services)

i am getting this error i want to check your suggestion is right or not but dont know where i need to check shipping  rate calculation method?
7 лет назад
In 3.80, it is called "Shipping Providers".  Which are you using?  ByWeight? FedEx? other?
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