Modules/Header.ascx ~ Move "register, login, logout and username

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14 лет назад
I need to move the "register, login, logout and username" from the Modules/Header.ascx and place them in the Modules/InfoBlock.ascx page.

I tried moving the <asp:LoginView>code</asp:LoginView> and placed it under the opening <ul> tag in the infoBlock page, but this method does not work.

I also tried nesting the whole <div class="header-links">ModulesHeaderPage</div> inside the <div class="listbox">ModulesInfoBlockPage</div> just under the closing </ul> tag.

any help will be appreciated,
14 лет назад
i'm assuming that when you say it doesn't work, you are getting a compilation error ?


try this
remove the header links  ( i guess the whole <div class="header-links"> ) from header.ascx and put them into infoblock.ascx (not inside the ul which already exists - probably best to put it outside all the infoblock.ascx divs

you will need to make changes to the .header-links class in the stylesheet

delete the following from header.ascx.cs
and move it into infoblock.ascx.cs

        protected string GetUnreadPrivateMessages()
            string result = string.Empty;
            if (NopContext.Current.User != null && !NopContext.Current.User.IsGuest)
                int totalRecords = 0;
                var privateMessages = ForumManager.GetAllPrivateMessages(0,
                    NopContext.Current.User.CustomerID, false, null, false, string.Empty, 1, 0, out totalRecords);

                if (totalRecords > 0)
                    result = string.Format(GetLocaleResourceString("PrivateMessages.TotalUnread"), totalRecords);
            return result;

remember to recompile afterwards
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