Turn of Breadcrumb?

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14 лет назад
Maybe I'm just missing it, but I cannot find a place to turn off the breadcrumb trail. Any pointers?
14 лет назад
nowhere to turn it off, you need to alter some code.

unless you want to change the c#, you might be best just hiding the breadcrumb

    <div class="breadcrumb" style="visibility: hidden;" >

you need to look at the templates/categories  files   eg   productsingrid.ascx   productsinline1.ascx
modules/   ProductCategoryBreadcrumb.ascx
14 лет назад
hello. what is "breadcrumb trail" ??

14 лет назад
It is the hyperlink bar of text just below the upper menu that shows where you are in the site.

e.g.  Home/Cat1/Sub-cat2/Product-a

In the above example, if you're viewing Product-a, you can click on Cat1 in the breadcrumb trail and go right to it.

One problem I am encountering it that when I have products linked to multiple categories, I may get to the product page by navigating through Cat3, but the breadcrumb trail shows Cat1.
14 лет назад
13 лет назад
Thanks for the info about hiding bread crumbs.

I did it by simply changing the productcategorybreadcrumbs to visiblity: "false";

You saved me a ton of time!
13 лет назад
Instead of setting visibility to hidden, in the .aspx file you can put:

<% if (0)
      { %>
//breadcrumb code is here
<% } %>

This will take it completely out of the html markup.
13 лет назад
I turned it off by simply applying display:none; in styles.css .breadcrumb. If you set visibility to hidden, it still takes up some space. That is if you don't want to mess the C# code. Just thought I'd share if anyone has the same problem.
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