PayPal Direct Recurring Payments

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8 лет назад
Running v3.6
Have PayPal Direct Pro version with Recurring Payments
Payment method is PayPal Direct  (Automatic)
Running in Sandbox
IPN has been tested and verified as working.

Creating Transaction:
1. Created recurring product with five (5) one (1) day cycles.
2. Adding product to cart.
3. Checked out with test credit card.
4. Returned order Complete.

Transaction Results in Paypal:
1. Created recurring payment of 5 cycles.
2. Processed Initial payment correctly.
3. Set Next Payment date to Next Day.
4. Now shows Five cycles with 4 cycles remaining.
5. Next day PayPal correctly Processed Next cycle payment.

Transaction Results in v3.6:
1. Created Initial Order with 5 cycles showing Pending.
2. Created Recurring Payment for the Initial order showing 5 cycles with 5 cycles remaining and creation date and Next Payment date are the same (Date of the Initial Order creation).
3. No History entry showing Initial order as Paid.

What v3.6 should have done:
1. Create Initial Order.
2. Process Checkout payment on initial order.
3. Add initial Order as paid to the recurring History with 5 cycles and 4 cycles remaining and mark order as completed and paid.
4. Create New Order and new recurring payment entry for next recurring payment with next payment date.
5. Wait for Paypal to send notice that next payment has been made.
6. When received Order as Paid from PayPal, add it to recurring history, with cycles 5 and cycles remaining as 3, mark order as complete and paid, then create next order and add to recurring payments with next payment date.
7. Return to waiting for PayPal to process next payment, and repeat process until all recurring payments have been made.

I believe that the miss handling of the initial order and it's immediate payment through PayPal is a bug in the system.  This initial order, it's payment and the creation of the next order in the cycle are not being processed on v3.6 side at all.
8 лет назад
rbmaring wrote:
IPN has been tested and verified as working.


Sorry for the late reply. It definitely looks like IPN not properly working. Please search your log (admin area > system > log) for errors with "PayPal IPN" keywords
8 лет назад
You were definitely right about the IPN.  Had to set it in the PayPal sandbox.  As soon as it tested out OK, everything started working.

The only thing I have noticed is that once PayPal accepts a payment for a subscription product the payment shows in the recurring history but everything still says pending.  I have to manually mark them as Paid.

Also the first payment never ends up in the payment history.

Any ideas on this?


7 лет назад
Just a follow up from this question - When a recurring payment order is made the payment status doesn't get updated (we do get the subscription ID from paypal) and the first order doesn't show in the list of recurring payments - has anyone else seen this? We're using 3.7 now. Thanks
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