Error Not Displayed

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14 лет назад
I have seen this issued touched upon in other postings to an extent (Topic ID 1618 & 1993) but not specifically addressed in regard to the lack of an error being displayed when a customer fails to enter in a value for a required variant (i.e. if size was required and the customer fails to select a size, the product is still added to the cart with whatever value was preselected; even if I specify that no value is pre-selected, if the customer fails to select a value, the product will still be allowed to be added to the shopping cart with the first value of the variant selected).

I'm assuming i need to enter a callout extender but I definitely need help with where and how to insert this to create the desired effect. Essentially, I want an error message to be displayed when a customer fails to select a value that is required and I do not want the item added to the customer's shopping cart until they do so.

As a side note, I don't know how to achieve this but if the values for the required variant size, for example, were displayed in the list in the following order as #1) Select Size, #2) Small, #3) Medium, #4) Large and the value was left on Select Size, then the shopping cart could interpret that as a customer not having entered a value.

Hope this makes sense and any help achieving the above in any way would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. =)
14 лет назад

add your vote for this feature :
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14 лет назад
Thanks for letting me know about that Haydie....I voted on that and would love to see it in a future release.
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