Unable to login into Admin Control Panel, Wrong Captcha Error!

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8 лет назад
Hi Team,

I am running nopcommerce website. Recently I have added Google ReCaptcha, after that I am unable to login in Admin control panel. I have 2 queries,

1. Why it is not working?
2. How to remove captcha from the website?

I have gone through these topics,
and so on.

I could not find any records like captchasettings.enabled

As it is the LIVE website. I have to fix it asap. Kindly do the needful.

Error Message
Login was unsuccessful. Please correct the errors and try again.
The characters didn't match the picture. Please try again.

Additional Info
NopCommerce 3.60
8 лет назад
itaravin wrote:
Hi Team,

I am running nopcommerce website. Recently I have added Google ReCaptcha, after that I am unable to login in Admin control panel. I have 2 queries,

1. Why it is not working?
2. How to remove captcha from the website?

I have gone through these topics,
and so on.

I could not find any records like captchasettings.enabled

As it is the LIVE website. I have to fix it asap. Kindly do the needful.

Error Message
Login was unsuccessful. Please correct the errors and try again.

The characters didn't match the picture. Please try again.

Additional Info
NopCommerce 3.60

You can check the following link
8 лет назад
Hello sohelcse10_duet,

Please read the question before answer!!!
8 лет назад
captchasettings.enabled is in the setting table of the database.
8 лет назад
NO. DannyO!

Here is no *captchasettings.enabled* in settings table
8 лет назад
So, you enabled captcha, captcha is now displaying, but you mean to tell me the setting that tells nopCommerce to display a captcha doesn't exist?

How many records do you have showing in your setting table?
8 лет назад
Yes! I enabled Captcha. I can see Captcha in my website. i.e worldbases.com/admin

When I try to login with correct captcha, it shows error message.

So, I am unable to login in Admin Control Panel.


Settings Table contains 364 Records
8 лет назад

You're using 3.60, was this a fresh install?  Or an upgrade?  Because you should have at least 482 records.

Have you checked the Log table for any information?
8 лет назад
Add a record to your setting table: captchasettings.enabled and make its value false.
8 лет назад

I have 364 records only.

There is 0 records in Log Table.

I have also performed this one,
"Add a record to your setting table: captchasettings.enabled and make its value false."
it does not works.
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