Problem with installing language pack

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14 лет назад
I have nopCommerce 1.50 installed and  want to add the Greek Language Pack. The only pack available is for version 1.40 but I decided to try it anyway, prepared to manually make some corrections if necessary.

When I try to import resources from the XML file, this is not successful and I get the following error:

INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods.

Initially I thought that the different version caused the error and tried something else: I exported the default English language of version 1.50 to a file and tried to import it as Greek language resources but it failed again with the same error.

From all the above, I can assume that the error does not have to do with the different version of the language pack and I wonder if someone can offer some help.

Many thanks in advance.
14 лет назад
Sorry to revert to this but I tried many different things and still get the same error. I believe that the error description should say something to an experienced user or developer. I will try anything if somebody points me to the right direction.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
14 лет назад
I compared greek lang pack for 1.4 with eng lang pack for 1.5.
There are a lot of differences, so it will take a while.
Another problem is that I don't know greek.
14 лет назад
Thank you for the reply but it's not a question of understanding Greek or not. As I explained, I experimented before posting as follows:

I exported the default English language pack to an XML file and then re-imported it under Greek language but the error was still there. The same happens with whatever language pack I'm trying to install, even with one written for 1.50!
14 лет назад
I think the function for exporting resource string in nop1.5 has bug.
The english langage pack for 1.5 uploaded on this site is same as the language
pack exported in nop1.5.
I have reported this issue on this forum before.

English language pack for 1.5 doesn't include complete resource string
14 лет назад
Thank you Kanata. I had seen your bug report a couple of days ago but this is not the case with me: the exported English pack seems complete with thousands of lines. It starts with <Language Name="English"> and ends with </Language> as it should.

It's when I try to import the XML into another language that I get the error message reported. It' not necessarily the Greek language; whatever language I create and try to upload the exported XML gives the same error.
14 лет назад
Okay so especially for you I took the greek lang pack xml and made sql script out of it.
What it does it inserts the string straight into the db.
Give me your mail, I'll send it to you or contact me on lev [at] catchytech [dot] com
14 лет назад
George, Thanks to your comment, I checked the files and
found the issue I've reported is caused by my XML editor's limitation or bug.
I can see full xml strings now!
Thank you :D

I imported my resouce file "as Greek" resouce file. (on nop1.5)
It seems that import function works fine.
But if the size of resouce file is over 500kb, timeout error is displayed,
even though my Web/DB server is dedicated server and hosted locally.

push "Add New" button in Configuration-Location-Languages menu.
Language culture:    el-GR. Greek (Greece)
Published:      enable
Import resources from XML:  specified japanese lang pack I've created.(size 60kb)

Message "All resources have been successfully imported." is displayed.
push "Add New" button in Configuration-Location-Languages menu.
Language culture:    el-GR. Greek (Greece)
Published:      enable
Import resources from XML:  english lang pack for 1.5 (size 509kb)

Error Message "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." is displayed.
14 лет назад
Thank you both.

Kanata, I see your point, but what I get is not a time out error. I have listed it in my first post.

Lev, I sent you an email and shall report back when I hear from you.

Have a nice evening. Off to bed soon, I'm not a young boy any more!
14 лет назад
have you tried to open tables in sql server and copy all english text with code, i thing, 1 to code 3 and then replace all text with greek. I did it. It took me 3 hours.
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