Digital Downloads

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14 лет назад
I'm not finding much information on digital downloads anywhere. Basically I'm needing to make a site whereby users are either able to directly download after payment a PDF file, or an link is sent to them to download the file. The trick here is that although I want to keep the PDF files on the server (there could be *lots* of these) I also want to be able to manipulate the PDF file so that their is water-marked information in it ie has the user details and or receipt number in the footer.

So the links to download the files need to be unique to the user an parsed to a script that will load the file and combine the user info into it. I have no problem with them being able to access the downloads again at a later time. Clearly for the creation of the unique PDF I need to look into some form of scripting (pdfSharp looks like it will suit) but can nopCommerce give me the unique url links I will need so that my pdfSharp scripts can collect info build the file and send it back to the user?

Having looked at the demo site I see the following for digital downloads, but the usage of the url is not clear at all.

Downloadable product:   Y  
Use download URL:   Y
Download URL:   ???   can this be dynamic i.e. unique for each user
14 лет назад
I was also wondering how to add more than one download link to a product?
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