topic URL

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14 лет назад
Is there a way to connect a topic url to the category menu?

14 лет назад
do you mean adding a link in beside all the categories ?

you can add it manually to


either above or below the category list
14 лет назад
No. I was asking if topic links could be tied dynamically to the category module. What I am looking for is an easy way for my Mom to make content pages.  I bought VS2008Pro for her and made a nice site using templates but she doesn't get VS at all.  So,  I am trying to make a NopCommerce site for her that will be simple to make content without the worry of any coding.  One thing that I think might work is using parent and child categories but to do that I would need the menu to maintain state as the pages are opened like it is on the site I made for her already.  I would also like to remove the Parent category link so it would bypass the category summary page but still maintain function by opening. If you have any ideas please let me know.  

14 лет назад
You could add in a checkbox to the topic pages 'Include in navigation' - with this create a method called GetTopicNavigation which would return a topic collection, you could then bind this to a list. Then whenever you Mum added a topic all she would have to do is tick the checkbox.

Alternatively you could have a .txt file in which your Mum could list items she wanted to list like so:

Page 1,
Page 2,
Page 3,
Page 4,

You could then create a method to read the text file and output the html to the page. All your mum would have to do in this case is add in items in the txt file and upload it to a specified location.

One final thing I have done in the past is to store information in the Localised Strings table. I.E I put the complete html of a menu in to a localised field like so:

<li>Link here</li>

Then I just got the localised string using the nop calling code. In this case your Mum could edit the html direct in the admin system.
14 лет назад
thought wrote:
You could add in a checkbox to the topic pages 'Include in navigation' - with this create a method called GetTopicNavigation which would ...

All great ideas! Thank you.  However, I do not know how to implement these wonderful ideas.  I tried for a couple hours to add a check box, but all I managed to do was lose all the tooltips on the page... I did get the checkbox in there but my text from the resource string did not show up.

14 лет назад
there's an easy to implement workaround here:

but it will not be so easy for the end-user as thoughts solution
14 лет назад
When clicked, the parent category name in the category menu generatres a page showing links to child categories.  How can I disable the parent category URL so when the Parent category name is clicked...the page is not redirected?

Any help will be greatly appreciated,
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