Uploading PDFs

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7 лет назад
Hello everyone,

What I am wanting to do is upload a bunch of PDF files that are manuals for the products we are selling.  I have gone through all the different options and cannot figure out how to do this.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
7 лет назад
You may use the Content Managment - topic(pages)

edit any page and press the menu "Insert"- "insert images" to open the Roxy Filemanger to add documents

take note of the path and use this to link pdf to pages etc...
7 лет назад

There are a couple of plugins which allow you to upload/attach files to products so that on the product page, the link to download the related files also appears.



Also, there is a plugin which I use to automatically email a download link to the appropriate how-to PDF files to my customers after they purchase a product...
So for example, every customer who buys product X receives an email with a link to download the appropriate PDF file for that product...
To do this, we simply uploaded all our PDF files to our /Content/ directory in a folder named PDF...
We then configured a SmartCampaign to send emails for each product which has a related PDF file, along with the download link.
7 лет назад
When I delve into the code of Roxy File Manager (utils.js), I see how it seems if TinyMCE sent the right parameter, Roxy would better handle and display PDFs in it's directory list.
Here's what I see:
FileTypes['image'] = new Array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'pdf'); <-- here I added "pdf" to see what would happen. Sadly, it didn't help.
FileTypes['media'] = new Array('avi', 'flv', 'swf', 'wmv', 'mp3', 'wma', 'mpg','mpeg');
FileTypes['document'] = new Array('doc', 'docx', 'txt', 'rtf', 'pdf', 'xls', 'mdb','html','htm','db');
So is it the case that TinyMCE is telling Roxy to ignore file types of "document" type?

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