Moneris payment gateway(free version) integration issue

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7 лет назад
I'm trying to integrate Moneris payment gateway. I have setup the Moneris plugin using test credential from Moneris. The problem I'm having now is when I picked the Moneris plugin as payment method during the checkout process, it just showed the message "You will be redirected to Moneris site to complete the order." It's not redirecting to Moneris site, nor showing the credit card entry form.  Any idea why?

Thanks in advance for your help.

7 лет назад
What happens after you click the Confirm button?
Do you see any errors in log?
7 лет назад
Thank you for your reply. There are no errors in logs except one message:

I put logging at the beginning of almost all the functions in the plugin, but it seemed none of them got called.

I did see billing address and shipping address are listed side by side, but I guess this is controlled by nopCommerceonepage chekcout not payment plugin?

Thanks for any help!


Mariann wrote:
What happens after you click the Confirm button?
Do you see any errors in log?
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