Concatenated variants

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7 лет назад
Good evening everyone!
I am about to make a site of glasses and I ended up on the site of a manufacturer where items are displayed so very good:

or other colors are arranged in such a box and clicking above takes you right to the product page, it certainly is a different template from the original nopCommerce, I wanted to know if anyone knows if you can do ...
Thank you all in advance!
7 лет назад
freddy2 wrote:
I am about to make a site of glasses and I ended up on the site of a manufacturer where items are displayed so very good:

or other colors are arranged in such a box and clicking above takes you right to the product page, it certainly is a different template from the original nopCommerce, I wanted to know if anyone knows if you can do ...

The usual ways in nop to present a product with some variations would be to use a grouped product with the variations as associated products or to define the colour variations as product attribute values (possibly using the image squares control type to present the thumbnail images but I don't think there's an example of that on the nop demo site). Either of those could work with some changes to the theme to get the presentation closer to the style of the site you linked to, but neither of them would work exactly the way that site works.

If you want something that works exactly the same way I'm sure you can achieve a similar design with nop. If you look at the page you've linked to and break it down to basics it's just a product page with some links to other product pages (the colour variants). Then look at this page on the nop demo site: (particularly at the related products on the bottom of the page).

On the face of it they don't look very similar but they are both product pages with some links to other product pages. So if you were to:
1. Add all your products as simple products
2. Add the colour variations as related products (see the documentation about related products)
3. Rename "Related products" to "Available colours", and move it to display under the main product image
4. Adjust the related products view or css to display the available colours as just linked thumbnail images

Then you've got basically the same layout with a main product image and some thumbnails that link to the other variations. After that it's just a case of creating a theme that styles the site how you want. You could either build it from scratch or have a look at the themes in the nop Marketplace to see if there's something that provides a suitable starting point to customise. I know the Nop Templates guys have some good minimalist styled themes that could work with the minor alterations mentioned above or just give you some idea of what's possible:
7 лет назад
Pete, you mean, you're very kind and helpful and precise in your idea. You gave me the useful contributions.
Friendliness Freddy
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