I have a helper class encapsulating Nop Services for my plugin.

public NopServicesHelper(
        HttpContextBase httpCtext,
        ISettingService settingSvc,
        IStoreContext storeCtext,
        IStoreService storeSvc,
        StoreInformationSettings storeInfSettings,
        IPictureService pictureSvc,
        IOrderService orderSvc,
        IGiftCardService giftCardSvc,
        ICustomerService customerSvc,
        IMessageTemplateService templateSvc,
        ITokenizer tokonierSvc,
        IMessageTokenProvider msgTokenSvc
            HttpCtext = httpCtext;
            SettingSvc = settingSvc;
            StoreCtext = storeCtext;
            StoreSvc = storeSvc;
            StoreInfSettings = storeInfSettings;
            PictureSvc = pictureSvc;
            OrderSvc = orderSvc;
            GiftCardSvc = giftCardSvc;
            CustomerSvc = customerSvc;
            TemplateSvc = templateSvc;
            TokonierSvc = tokonierSvc;
            MsgTokenSvc = msgTokenSvc;

HttpContextBase httpCtext above is resolving is some cases to:

==> "System.Web.HttpContextWrapper"
  and other times to
==> "Nop.Core.Fakes.FakeHttpContext"

It's declared in Dep.Resolver like this:

public void Register(ContainerBuilder builder, ITypeFinder typeFinder, NopConfig config)
            builder.RegisterType<ProvisioningService>().As<IProvisioningService>().InstancePerDependency(); ;

Any idea how to work around this issue?