Retrieving Billing Address ID

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7 лет назад

We recently upgraded to 3.8 and we're trying to retrieve the billing address ID but this doesn't seem to work anymore in our template:

<input type="hidden" id="BillingAddrId" value="@WorkContext.CurrentCustomer.BillingAddress.Id.ToString()" />

Is there another option to grab the billing address ID?

Thanks for your help.

7 лет назад
tsapusek wrote:

We recently upgraded to 3.8 and we're trying to retrieve the billing address ID but this doesn't seem to work anymore in our template:

<input type="hidden" id="BillingAddrId" value="@WorkContext.CurrentCustomer.BillingAddress.Id.ToString()" />

Hi Toby,

Can you please let us know, on which page you've added this code?
7 лет назад
Sure.  The page that we had this code on was "Views\ShoppingCart\OrderTotals.cshtml.

7 лет назад
tsapusek wrote:
The page that we had this code on was "Views\ShoppingCart\OrderTotals.cshtml.

Refactor your view page code in this way:

@model OrderTotalsModel    

  var workContext = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IWorkContext>();

@using Nop.Web.Models.ShoppingCart;
@using Nop.Core.Infrastructure;
@using Nop.Core;

<div class="total-info">    
  <input type="hidden" id="BillingAddrId" value[email protected] />

However, I don't know the purpose of this, but mare sure you should consider the all scenario such as guest check out and customers those who doesn't added billing address etc..

Hope this helps!
7 лет назад
OK - will do.  Thanks for your help.

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