Frequency of Tax calls

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7 лет назад
Nop 3.8

I hit a larger bill than was expected with TaxCloud where they charge me API calls of $0.02 per call.

It seems that on startup, there is a whole bunch of calls getting tax rates.

Shouldn't the call only be made once when viewing the cart on a per item basis, then only possibly called again if anything changed in the checkout?

It seems excessive and expensive, when facing a per-charge api call.

I checked and it was trying to pass the store address.  I would think it would bypass if trying to check the address of the store.  I have my own minor Taxcloud plugin I made that serves my purpose (we only use TaxCloud to get the rate for WA State).  I ended up modifying the plugin to avoid making the API calls if the state was other than WA and the address passed in was our company address. So I may have worked around issue.
7 лет назад
Just to clarify, the charge for API calls only applies when you do not capture at least 5% of your API Lookups (meaning your site has over 95% abandonment rate). The correct fix is to determine exactly why you have so many Lookups without corresponding Captures in the first place.

Filtering states is a dangerous path that you will need to back out If (when) you start collecting in additional states.

We made this change to better defend our merchants from the growing list of states (at least 30 as of March 7) enacting new laws to compel collection of sales tax by remote retailers. Improper implementations (Lookups without corresponding Captures) put our merchants in jeopardy of not being able to properly rely on TaxCloud to satisfy these coming obligations.

Our new policy is blind to whether you actually collect sales tax in a state. Rather it is focused on ensuring proper implementation--if you are going through the effort to do a Lookup, you need to Auth/Capture to ensure sales tax reports and returns are complete and accurate (even if the result is zero tax collections).

I apologize if this goal is not immediately apparent. I would also note, to avoid any fees whatsoever, you can simply enable Automated Compliance--full compliance is what we were built for, and that is always free.

Thank you.
7 лет назад
I understand the goal of TaxCloud.  Sadly my bill went from about $15.00 to $180 this past month.  

The problem isn't the TaxCloud service itself.

The problem is the very very very excessive calls nopcommerce makes to the Tax Providers plugin, which means upwards of 25-50 calls to the API per transaction or startup of the store.

I've added some filtering to make sure our zip code and customer guid are bypassed.

The call for tax calculations should only be made only once for each product added to a cart, with a potential extra hit if shipping is added and tax is applied.  Then again, one call should get the rate and be done with.
7 лет назад
Our SocialBug TaxCloud plugin does not call TaxCloud 100x
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