change default font and size in textboxes

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7 лет назад

How or where could I change the default parameter of fonts in any description field (textboxes) for category, product, manufacturers ?
That to avoid manually change them (font and size) at each new item.

7 лет назад
You should edit your stylesheet.
Within the stylesheet are definitions for how every element of you pages looks.
You will simply change the parameters to your taste..

So, if you right click on your webpage while using Chrome browser, and select "Inspect" will show you how it is currently configured, and which line number in the stylesheet where that definition is.

If you are using the DefaultClean theme, it is located here in your website:

Open it with notepad and find the element you want to change:

I use "Inspect" and see the "Categories" navigation menu title is this class:
.block .title

So I find it in the stylesheet:

.block .title {
    background: #55372f;
    padding: 10px;
    font-size: 15px;
    color: #fff;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    border-top-left-radius: 5px;
    border-top-right-radius: 5px;

..then change or add or remove definitions...
7 лет назад
Great response.
All is there.
Thank you so much :)
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