Facing issue on Excel Import to 3.8 Nocpmmerce from Nopcomerce version 2.0

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7 лет назад

We have existing NopCommerce 2.0, and upgrading to Nopcommerce version 3.8.
While importing excel sheet to newer version (from exported excel sheet of 2.0), we have found a lot of changes the properties and product attribute mapping.
In 3.8's excel sheet product attributs are grouped together, but in 2.0's format it was different entry for each attribute.
Please light on how to import old excel sheet to newer nopcommerce site.

Kind Regards,
7 лет назад
You will have to convert it.  Add one product in the 3.80 site.  Be sure to set "Advanced" layout.  Then Export the one product so you can see the new format.
7 лет назад
Another option would be to upgrade. That will not only copy your products, but also orders, customers, etc. Check documentation
7 лет назад
There is no software or tool to import the excel of nopcommerce 2.0 to 3.8?
7 лет назад
Pretty much as previous replies have suggested, there is software.  It is the NOP upgrade to the new version.  If you want to use Excel to reload products in to a new version (instead of doing a proper upgrade) then you will use the add-one-product, export method.  That gives you the layout.

NOP has provided the Excel import, export tool as a help but that sheet does, in fact, update multiple tables and fields.  The tools are built in to NOP.  If you are upgrading and existing site to a new version and you want to keep all the products, just upgrade it.  If you want to copy the products that are in an old version of NOP to use in an entirely different website, you can:

1 - Copy and upgrade the source nop
2 - Export the products to Excel
3 - Deploy a blank NOP site for the new project
4 - Set up your categories in the new site (THEY WILL NOT MATCH)
5 - Edit your Excel document to reflect the products, description, pricing, etc. you want
6 - DELETE the category mapping for the Excel products
7 - Import the Excel and either map each or map one per category to figure out what your Category IDs are then
    a.  Export the Excel file - note which number (ID) corresponds to which category and
    b.  Add the correct number or numbers to the product/s
    c.  Import the updated spreadsheet

The Excel Export/Import tool is an awesome way to quickly standardize things like titles, descriptions, CASE inconsistencies, etc.  Hope this helps.
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