How to add blog posts to sitemap.xml?

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6 лет назад
I'm trying to add blogPosts to the sitemap by adding following code in SitemapGenerator.cs

protected virtual IEnumerable<SitemapUrl> GetBlogUrls(UrlHelper urlHelp)
            return _blogService.GetAllBlogPosts(storeId: 0, languageId: 0, dateFrom: null, dateTo: null, pageIndex: 0, pageSize: int.MaxValue, showHidden: false).Select (blog =>
                var url = urlHelp.RouteUrl("Blog", new { blogPostId = blog.Id, SeName = blog.GetSeName() }, GetHttpProtocol());
                return new SitemapUrl(url, UpdateFrequency.Weekly, blog.CreatedOnUtc);

But the return result is

The return number is write, but not turn to the correct URLs.
Anyone help?

6 лет назад
zhugefs wrote:
I'm trying to add blogPosts to the sitemap by adding following code in SitemapGenerator.cs

protected virtual IEnumerable<SitemapUrl> GetBlogUrls(UrlHelper urlHelp)
            return _blogService.GetAllBlogPosts(storeId: 0, languageId: 0, dateFrom: null, dateTo: null, pageIndex: 0, pageSize: int.MaxValue, showHidden: false).Select (blog =>
                var url = urlHelp.RouteUrl("Blog", new { blogPostId = blog.Id, SeName = blog.GetSeName() }, GetHttpProtocol());
                return new SitemapUrl(url, UpdateFrequency.Weekly, blog.CreatedOnUtc);

But the return result is

The return number is write, but not turn to the correct URLs.
Anyone help?



protected virtual IEnumerable<SitemapUrl> GetBlogUrls(UrlHelper urlHelp)
            return _blogService.GetAllBlogPosts(storeId: 0, languageId: 0, dateFrom: null, dateTo: null, pageIndex: 0, pageSize: int.MaxValue, showHidden: false).Select (blog =>
                var url = urlHelp.RouteUrl("BlogPost", new { SeName= blog.GetSeName(blog.LanguageId, ensureTwoPublishedLanguages: false) }, GetHttpProtocol());
                return new SitemapUrl(url, UpdateFrequency.Weekly, blog.CreatedOnUtc);

Note: v3.9, others will similar too, may have some change on blog.GetSeName(blog.LanguageId, ensureTwoPublishedLanguages: false)
6 лет назад
Sohel, you are great, it works, thank you very much.

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