Starting with nopCommers

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7 лет назад
Hi again
I click on the URL :

and all I get is an error:

We're sorry, an internal error occurred.

Our supporting staff has been notified of this error and will address the issue shortly.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please try clicking your browsers 'back' button or try reloading the home page.

If you continue to receive this message, please try again in a little while.

Thank you for your patience.

any help?
7 лет назад
did you check the error Log ?? I mean Log table of the db. Also if it is the first time that the application is running , it should ask you for installation.
first check your settings.txt and installedplugins.txt should be empty/should not exist  on the first run so that system will ask you for installation.

if you have already installed and you are receiving this error after that then check the log table of your db for the error.
7 лет назад
Hi u2
Well, I download nopCommerce to my PC and it works well.
Now, the problems are with the nopCommerce on Azure.
I deployed nopCommerce on Azure but I can't install it on the Azure.
I try to run it 'first time' to go the installation page but get errors.
I checked for settings.txt and installedplugins.txt - these files do not exist, where can I find them, where and how to put theme?  
7 лет назад
[email protected] wrote:
Hi u2
Well, I download nopCommerce to my PC and it works well.
Now, the problems are with the nopCommerce on Azure.
I deployed nopCommerce on Azure but I can't install it on the Azure.
I try to run it 'first time' to go the installation page but get errors.
I checked for settings.txt and installedplugins.txt - these files do not exist, where can I find them, where and how to put them?  
7 лет назад
These files will be inside the App_Data folder. If they don't exist then NOP Commerce should ask you for the Installation. Settings.txt contains the connection String to your database while installed plugin as the name suggests contains installed plugins.

Theme you have to just put inside the theme folder and then from the admin panel -> configuration -> general settings you can select the theme.

When i clicked on the link you provided it showing runtime error. Even your custom error page is not loading. Check you have installed all the relevent files and in your azure panel if you have created an app service then under deployment under quickstart you should have selected
7 лет назад
Sorry i mistook " How to put them " for " How to put theme "   :p
7 лет назад
it is 'them'

7 лет назад
Well, yes.
This is T H E problem.
I deployed nopCommerce (on azure) but cannot install it (on azure)
7 лет назад
I also faced the similar problem when i first deployed on Azure.
What i did then was that i created the FTP credentials then i published the site and Uploaded it to azure. Remove everything from your settings.txt and InstalledPlugins.txt file. Now go to your site , it should ask you for the installation.
7 лет назад

I tried it, got an error:
The subscription is not registered for the resource type 'components in the location 'central us'. Please re-register for this provider in order to have access to this location.

I don't find how to re-register...

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