Change: Last week, we created a copy of our DB (hosted on AWS RDS server). To do this we saved to a new s3 bucket as directed at this link:

Problem: Product search, on the front end and back end are not working with new products. Products created before this date are searchable on both front end and back end (catalog). Products created after this date display on the FE and in the catalog list view, but are not searchable. For instance, if I create a new product, "Green Shoes", it will display correctly on the FE. If I search "green" or "shoes" or "green shoes" it will not return as a result. The same goes for the admin, I can see it in the full list view of the catalog but searching by name does not work.

Additionally, if I make a change to a previously existing product (before DB copy), the change is displayed on the FE and in the admin catalog list, but is not searchable by the new changes. However, it is still searchable by the old name. For example, if a product, "red shirt" existed before the DB copy, and I then changed it's name to "yellow pants", the product will not be searchable by "yellow" or "pants" or "yellow pants" but remains searchable by "red" or "shirt" or "red shirt".

Has anyone experienced this issue before, or understand what has happened to our search functionality?