Google Merchants - feed images too small

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6 лет назад
Hi all

I'm trying to submit some of the products on my store to Google Merchants.

Initially I used the Seven Spikes Foogle plugin, specifying an image size of 250px. Google repeatedly refused the products with an "Images too small" warning.

I've since changed to using FoxNetSoft Feed Manager; which has the handy facility to allow you to set which products to export rather than exporting all of them. I left the default product image size at 500px. The feed imported OK but then the products where rejected, "Images too small" again.

In the feed I can see the image specified correctly as the 500px version


But Google doesn't seem to be using this and instead it looks like it is scraping the 1st thumbnail image off the web page?

So I was wondering if anybody has any experience of exporting from Nop Commerce to Google Merchants using FoxNetSoft Feed Manager.

6 лет назад
In FeedManager, set the Product image size at 1200px or bigger...they want to know about the highest possible resolution version of each product image that you have...whether it is viewable on the site or not. My originals are all uploaded at 1200px wide, so I set it to 1200 and they are happy with them.
6 лет назад
Thanks for the reply embryo

I tried increasing the feed image size al the way up to 1600px and still the adverts got rejected with images too small (I was changing the image URL each time).

The only thing I found that did work was to go to Configuration > Settings> Media and change the product thumbnail image size (product page) to 250px then delete everything from /Content/Images/Thumbs and then let the site regenerate the thumbnails.

That worked; seemingly Google ignores the feed image and scrapes the 1st thumbnail off the page? Very odd.
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