how to add message templete token in nop

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6 лет назад
i created templet message for store owner in that I am unable to retrieve vendor details in templet

<div class="order_line" style="text-align:center">
        Order #: <b>%Order.OrderNumber%</b> placed.
    <div class="body">
      <div class="user_info_desc">
          Hello there, <br/>
          Great, we've received an order #<b>%Order.OrderNumber%, %Order.CreatedOn%</b>.
      <div class="col order_grid">
        <h4>Order details:</h4>
    <div class="col Vendor_box">
        <div class="mode_payment">
          <h4>VENDOR ADDRESS</h4>
          <p  style="text-align:left">
            <b>%Vendor.FirstName% %Vendor.LastName%</b><br>
            <b>Company: </b>%Vendor.Company%
            %Vendor.City%, %Vendor.StateProvince% - %Vendor.ZipPostalCode%, %Vendor.Country%. <br><br>
            <b>Contact No: </b> %Vendor.PhoneNumber%<br />
            <b>Email: </b>%Vendor.Email%
      <div class="col delivery_box">
        <div class="delivery_add">

          <h4>BILLING ADDRESS</h4>
          <p style="text-align:left">

            <b>%Order.BillingFirstName% %Order.BillingLastName%</b><br>
            <b>Company: </b>%Order.BillingCompany%
            %Order.BillingCity%, %Order.BillingStateProvince% - %Order.BillingZipPostalCode%, %Order.BillingCountry%. <br><br>
            <b>Contact No: </b> %Order.BillingPhoneNumber%<br />
            <b>Email: </b>%Order.BillingEmail%
        <div class="mode_payment">
          <h4>DELIVERY ADDRESS</h4>
          <p  style="text-align:left">
            <b>%Order.ShippingFirstName% %Order.ShippingLastName%</b><br>
            <b>Company: </b>%Order.ShippingCompany%
            %Order.ShippingCity%, %Order.ShippingStateProvince% - %Order.ShippingZipPostalCode%, %Order.ShippingCountry%. <br><br>
            <b>Contact No: </b> %Order.ShippingPhoneNumber%<br />
            <b>Email: </b>%Order.ShippingEmail%
        <div class="col track_ship_box">
        <a "%Order.PaymentMethod%">%Order.PaymentMethod%</a>

help me out for this issue unable to add vendor details
6 лет назад

You need to add that all token into MessageTokenProvider class file.

And than use into your message template.

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