Two Products in Checkout overrides the Payment system

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6 лет назад
I have added two products in cart.

First product have payment option to buy from credit card
while, second product have option as COD(Cash on Delivery)

at the time of checkout out When I select COD  the system doesn't ask me for credit card details and simply place the order.

Am I missing something here??? to add something or change configuration?

Thank you
6 лет назад

For this type of features you need to customise onto your code.

I think it is not possible via configuration.

Let me if you need any other help from my side.
6 лет назад

When customer adding product into cart that time you can check. if payment method are different then dont allow to proceed.

Or else split order.

6 лет назад
What is your expected behaviour? That the order is split or what?  Payment Director plugin might be of help
6 лет назад
I want payment system to be restricted on particular item. Like if Item A have CC and Item B have COD. It should ask me to pay for Item A and Item B to be as COD or else orders should be splited for COD and CC.

Currently, Payment method is global for all the product in nopCommerce. All Items to be either COD or CC depends on what payment method have we activated.
6 лет назад
Then you need customization to split orders
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