Discount rules help every 3 off the same for <amount- discount>

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6 лет назад

I run a shop where we give  discount when costumers buy some ogg our (Cards) from us
1 for 4
2 for 8
3 for 10
We have a bigger discount when they reach 36 sa well  (but that one is separate )

I have been able to set discount rule to apply and it kicks in the first time,

But i can not do not seem to be able ti apply the same discount again on the next three and the next .
6 - 9 -12 -15 18 etc
Is that even possible ?
6 лет назад
Without having to create a new rule for every 6-9-12 etc i mean
6 лет назад
[email protected] wrote:

1 for 4
2 for 8
3 for 10

You can use Tier prices functionality for your requirement.

Let me know any further assist.

Thanks & Kind Regards
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