how to add a new Option in Admin panel's menu without dealing with plugins.?

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6 лет назад
I tried adding a new node in SiteMap.config file but it didn't worked, and i searched on google but not found any result that can help me out..!! itn would be much helpfull if anyone know how to do the this thing. Thanks in advance.
6 лет назад
rathod.anmol wrote:
I tried adding a new node in SiteMap.config file but it didn't worked, and i searched on google but not found any result that can help me out..!! itn would be much helpfull if anyone know how to do the this thing. Thanks in advance.

Please share SiteMap.config code for that.

Something is wrong into SiteMap.config file other it's work fine.

So please share your changes so we can find problem.

Thanks & Kind Regards
6 лет назад
<siteMapNode SystemName="Seller" nopResoutce="Admin.Seller" PermissionNames="ManageSeller" IconClass="fa-user">
      <siteMapNode SystemName="Sellers List" nopResource="Admin.Seller" PermissionNames="ManageSeller" controller="Seller" action="List" IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o" />

This is what i had added my SiteMap.Config file.
6 лет назад
rathod.anmol wrote:
<siteMapNode SystemName="Seller" nopResoutce="Admin.Seller" PermissionNames="ManageSeller" IconClass="fa-user">
      <siteMapNode SystemName="Sellers List" nopResource="Admin.Seller" PermissionNames="ManageSeller" controller="Seller" action="List" IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o" />

This is what i had added my SiteMap.Config file.

Nothing is wrong.

Just spelling mistake into your code.  nopResoutce this is wrong

  <siteMapNode SystemName="Seller" nopResource="Admin.Seller" PermissionNames="ManageSeller" IconClass="fa-user" >
      <siteMapNode SystemName="Sellers List" nopResource="Admin.Seller.list" PermissionNames="ManageSeller" controller="Seller" action="List" IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o" />

Let me know you get your result or not.

Thanks & Kind Regards
6 лет назад
ooh i see, I correct the spelling that you mentioned but no effect still Seller option is not displaying.
6 лет назад
rathod.anmol wrote:
ooh i see, I correct the spelling that you mentioned but no effect still Seller option is not displaying.

Please use below code as it is.

Please don't changes into that.

  <siteMapNode SystemName="Seller" nopResource="Admin.Seller" PermissionNames="ManageProducts" IconClass="fa-user" >
      <siteMapNode SystemName="Sellers List" nopResource="Admin.Seller.list" PermissionNames="ManageProducts" controller="Seller" action="List" IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o" />

Something wrong into your PermissionNames may be that are not exist.

It's work on my side.

see img

Thanks & Kind Regards
6 лет назад
Finally it worked thanks for your support but one thing that how can i add the seller permission rather than using Products permission.?
6 лет назад
rathod.anmol wrote:

one thing that how can i add the seller permission rather than using Products permission.?

Add your permission into StandardPermissionProvider.

I think it's work for you.

take reference to ManageProducts.

Thanks & Kind Regards
6 лет назад
Yes, It worked and for permission i would look into the StandardPermissionProvider as you mentioned. Thanks for your time and all your support.
6 лет назад
Your welcome.

Please up vote if my answers is valuable for you.

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