Showing a product's star rating in category page

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6 лет назад

I can't for the life of me figure out how to show a product's average rating in category view.

I'm not sure if my predecessor removed it or if it's our current theme.

Does anyone know what the call is to show this if it's native to nopcommerce?

Thank you.
6 лет назад
Could you please provide your online store link?
6 лет назад

thanks for the reply, our store is:
6 лет назад
I had a look in your site, and found that

Remove this line of CSS code


in order to show rating.
6 лет назад
Vuffy wrote:

I can't for the life of me figure out how to show a product's average rating in category view.

I'm not sure if my predecessor removed it or if it's our current theme.

Does anyone know what the call is to show this if it's native to nopcommerce?

Thank you.

Add this in your theme custom head style:

.product-review-item .review-info .user,
.product-review-item .review-info .date {

.item-box .product-rating-box {
display: block;
6 лет назад
Perfect, thank you so much to both of you. I didn't think to look in the css, I thought it was removed from the template files.
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