Membership Attributes

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6 лет назад
Hi i need to create a site where people can buy a years membership (karate licence) and need to collect - Name, Address, Last licence date, date started , grade, etc.

Do not want to use the details for the logged in user as often a family member will apply for several licences for family members or instructors for there students.

My question is should i think about doing this with custom attributes on products, try and control layout a bit and perhaps add new attributes types (have some c# experience)

or should this be done in a plugin ?  I have not seen anything int he documents to suggest that you can do plugin for product selection / add to cart ?

Any advise would be gratefully received.
6 лет назад
I suggest that you try using product attributes first.  It's just a small configuration effort, and if it does not work out, you can always post your thoughts here to get feedback before taking on a larger programming effort.
6 лет назад
Conditional product attributes might also be of help in this case for segmenting your info requirements
6 лет назад
Conditional product attributes might also be of help in this case for segmenting your info requirements
6 лет назад
Thanks for your response.  Using product attributes certainly gets me 90% of the way which is great.

Can somebody just confirm that Plugins currently do not render in the space / this use case/  They are for providing custom membership providers, payment providers, etc

The Datepicker only picks in next couple of years to go back in time I have seen a post here that the controls c# needs to be altered - is this currently the preferred options.

For Address and club location would want more functionality, perhaps address lookup using postcode?
  The number of clubs is about 400 so could write code to fill the relaxant table using to populate the dropdown box but might be better to implment a type ahead auto fill type control.

So question is what the best approach - extend the "control types" available (can not see any mention of this on forum) or inject javascript and extend things client side ?

6 лет назад
If it was me, I'd probably create a Widget Plugin that would "inject javascript and extend things client side" ;)
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