Recurring Payment Has Payment Status of Pending

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6 лет назад
We are setting up a new monthly club that is using Recurring payments using PayPalDirect.  We are using version 3.80.  When the product is purchased everything works as expected, but when you go to the order the Payment Status is Pending and I expect it to have a status of Paid.

When I look at PayPal, the payment shows as complete.  When I look at my credit card online it shows the payment as an authorization.

Did I miss a step?  If you need screen shots, let me know.


6 лет назад
Can you check on Log. Is there any error related to that. it may be some error in capture event.
6 лет назад
Thanks, there is a message in the log file.  Looking at the message, it looks correct. The Payment Status is Completed and the new payment status is Paid.

Any help on this would be great.  Below is the log information.

Log Level: Information

Short Message: PayPal IPN. Recurring info

Full Message:
Nop.Core.NopException: Paypal IPN: mc_gross: 28.99 period_type: +Regular outstanding_balance: 0.00 next_payment_date: 02%3A00%3A00+Dec+08%2C+2017+PST protection_eligibility: Ineligible payment_cycle: Monthly tax: 0.00 payer_id: RRWECRUQRH5RJ payment_date: 15%3A08%3A16+Nov+08%2C+2017+PST payment_status: Completed product_name: Recurring+payment charset: windows-1252 rp_invoice_id: d67f5631-cc3e-408f-8d17-dd6efd0e98b6 recurring_payment_id: I-X0P9NPCV1E6P first_name: Jeff mc_fee: 0.94 notify_version: 3.8 amount_per_cycle: 28.99 payer_status: unverified currency_code: USD business: verify_sign: AhgzmiFAy4R0.tlw5pCLaohSy82MAoYba6vPzfcCYcfOoyJEWIgijTWc payer_email: initial_payment_amount: 0.00 profile_status: Active amount: 28.99 txn_id: 0MK7580300889482P payment_type: instant last_name: Lyon receiver_email: payment_fee: 0.94 receiver_id: 9P4A6XEJLEHAE txn_type: recurring_payment mc_currency: USD residence_country: US receipt_id: 1474-6309-4042-8526 transaction_subject: Recurring+payment payment_gross: 28.99 shipping: 0.00 product_type: 1 time_created: 15%3A07%3A04+Nov+08%2C+2017+PST ipn_track_id: 3120a7656ef42 New payment status: Paid

Page URL:
6 лет назад
In the PayPal Direct plugin, be sure the Transaction mode is "Authorize and Capture"
6 лет назад
So we upgraded to 3.90 and are using the new REST API.  We have created a new REST API App and the Webhook ID.

The Recurring payments are still in a Pending status after the order.

In the logs we are getting the following for all credit card payments (normal and recurring):

The controller for path '/Plugins/PaymentPayPalDirect/IPNHandler' was not found or does not implement IController.

Any help would be great.

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