Hi everyone, I've been playing around with Live Chat looking for a cheap and effective solution that would work with nopCommerce. Crafty Syntax seems like the product for the job (http://www.craftysyntax.com/), this is a PHP and mySQL product that runs quite happily on a Microsoft server configured for PHP.

I've had two issues, one was on install and one on operation. The install issue was weird, but I found that I had the base url configured with a "\" on the end which caused disappearing images in Firefox but not in IE. Eventually I worked it out, removed the offending backslash and all is well.

In operation I had some stability problems running the client but then I set the CraftySyntax option 'Allow ip/host based sessions' to 'No' and that seemed to solve the problem.

To install the Crafty Syntax functionality, I just pasted all of the javascript code generated into the 'Button Code' text box in Configuration -> Global Setting -> Live Chat and it was working!

This is actually a very simple install and configuration, the software is Open Source GPL but the author appreciates a donation. I recommend this product as a cheap and effective way to implement Live Chat.

I have also been trying out a client (Live Client2) that will sit in the system tray and watch for calls, this also seems to work fairly well.

I have no business affiliation with Crafty Syntax apart from being a user of the software.