Embeded videos on Product Pages

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5 лет назад
Hi there. Can anyone tell me why i can't put embeded videos (or upload a video for that matter and use it) on the Description pages of the products i have on my nopCommerce site. Note that i am using the latest version (4.10) and it is installed on an IIS Server on a Windows Server 2012 Machine. Where im trying to add the embeded videos (from youtube for instance) or upladed them from my local machine is from the administration menu, when i click on Catalog/Products, go to a product i already have created and edit it and try to upload a video, or put an embeded video in the Full Description field, where i have a menu called "insert" where i have these specific options of adding a video. I've tried it multiple times, but without any success. Can anybody tell me what the problem might be for this ? Is it configuration related, or is it something else ? Thanks in advance.
5 лет назад
I already tried the embeded video from youtube, that is the way i was placing it in the product description like you said - from source view and copy/pasting it in there and before i save it, when i return to normal view i see a iframe with a start button for the youtube video, although i dont see the background image of the video like i normaly should. When i save it after i placed it there just like you said, when i go to the product page of that particular product, where i placed the embeded video it doesn't show or render if you will. And that is why I'm wondering if it has to do with some sort of settings, either on my server or the nopcommerce installation it self...
4 года назад
I have YouTube embedded videos on my site if you want to check it out, they work seamlessly.

I added a property to the Product entity to track the YouTube Video ID for each product, then on the view, I added a little Javascript accordion to show/hide the Iframe based on a value in the model.


If you want a detailed explanation let me know.
4 года назад
valent1994 wrote:
I already tried the embeded video from youtube, that is the way i was placing it in the product description like you said - from source view and copy/pasting it in there and before i save it, when i return to normal view i see a iframe with a start button for the youtube video, although i dont see the background image of the video like i normaly should. When i save it after i placed it there just like you said, when i go to the product page of that particular product, where i placed the embeded video it doesn't show or render if you will. And that is why I'm wondering if it has to do with some sort of settings, either on my server or the nopcommerce installation it self...

Hello valent1994,

are you sure it is not some kind of caching issue? Have you tried changing something else in the description of any particular product just to see if the changes will appear on the public site?

If it is not cache, then the video should be there but something might be hiding it. Are there any errors in your browser's console? Can you please provide a link to a page where you have included a youtube video so we can see if we can find what the problem is.

Looking forward to your answer!

Best regards,
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