Registration and password forgot emails not working

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5 лет назад

I have setup the email settings and from there I successfully sent a test email which I received.
However when the user is registered (changed the option in Customer Settings to Email validation after registration) or when the user clicks the password forgot I don't receive any email. Checked the Smap folder. it is not there as well

Any clues?
5 лет назад
What version are you running ?

Obvious question - are the templates for those messages set active ?
5 лет назад
Thanks for your reply

You mean in Content Management - Message Templates? If that is what you mean yes they are enabled.
5 лет назад
Not sure what version you are running ?
Are the messages going into the message que ?
If so is the background scheduled task running ?
5 лет назад
I am running version 4.1

I can see the messages in the message queue but Sent column is empty.
Send emails task is enabled.
5 лет назад
Seems the scheduled task is not running for some reason
When you click the run now button does it do anything ?
Any errors in the log ?

If no luck you could try turning on the error log in web.config with stdoutLogEnabled="true"
and check the .\log\ or .\stdout\log see if there are any errors
5 лет назад
When I click run now it sends the email.

Strange. Why it does not send it when the user requests. the run period is 60 seconds
5 лет назад
Ok so the schedule task is not running
What about Keep Alive task or any of the others running ?
Need to check the logs as above
Try clear cache / restarting application, etc
5 лет назад
I disabled all tasks and left keep-alive and send emails only.
I dont see any logs in the Logs about either keep-alive or send-emails.
I can see in the message queue a Registration message and the "Planned date of sending" is empty.
5 лет назад
Found the problem through another post here. Hosts value in Configuration/Stores was not completed. As soon as I completed that with correct values it worked.

Thanks for the support
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