Product with weight attributes

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5 лет назад
I have a product that I would like to sell by weight, such as 16OZ is $12, 8OZ is $6, and 4OZ is $2.50.  How would I do this?
5 лет назад
You can use Product Attributes.
(Or, create separate simple products and create a product group)
5 лет назад
Thank you for your reply.  I found a way around the pricing by weight issue, utilizing a combination of the product attributes and the product info pricing section.
4 года назад

is there is any way to enable weight adjustment / Overridden weight in the product attribute COMBINATION ?
4 года назад
goldseeva5 wrote:

is there is any way to enable weight adjustment / Overridden weight in the product attribute COMBINATION ?


There is no such feature as of now in nopCommerce.

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