Quickest way to import variants?

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13 лет назад
Hey Guys!

Have maually added a HEAP of products onto my new site...  However each one has several variants, which are BASIC bits of information like sizes etc..

How can I Import these from a database or into the database?  What's the fastest way?

If I do it from a database for example, how will it assign the various variants TO each main product??

Thanks :) :)
13 лет назад
We have the same problem.

13 лет назад
Andyphillips99 wrote:
Hey Guys!

Have maually added a HEAP of products onto my new site...  However each one has several variants, which are BASIC bits of information like sizes etc..

How can I Import these from a database or into the database?  What's the fastest way?

If I do it from a database for example, how will it assign the various variants TO each main product??

Thanks :) :)

I can tell you the changes I made to do it.  Only about 10% of my products were variants.

The changes were in:  

public static void ImportProductsFromXls(string filePath)

I made 2 changes:

1) I added a column to the excel spreadsheet... VariantName  ( I set it to size for clothes and blank otherwise

  code change to read it:

  string VariantName = dr["VariantName"].ToString();

2) The import code just updated the product info and main product variant if it encountered a SKU that already existed.  I changed the code to insert a new variant if the SKU already existed.

So the new code:

if (productVariant != null) // sku already exists
var product = ProductManager.GetProductById(productVariant.ProductId);

// do not update product
//product = ProductManager.UpdateProduct( ... )

//Insert new variant instead of updating... pass in VariantName

productVariant = ProductManager.InsertProductVariant(product.ProductId,
    VariantName, SKU, string.Empty, string.Empty, ManufacturerPartNumber,
    IsGiftCard, GiftCardType, IsDownload, DownloadId,
    UnlimitedDownloads, MaxNumberOfDownloads, null, (DownloadActivationTypeEnum)DownloadActivationType,
    HasSampleDownload, SampleDownloadId, HasUserAgreement, UserAgreementText, IsRecurring, CycleLength, CyclePeriod, TotalCycles,
    IsShipEnabled, IsFreeShipping, AdditionalShippingCharge, IsTaxExempt,
    TaxCategoryId, ManageInventory, StockQuantity,
    DisplayStockAvailability, DisplayStockQuantity, MinStockQuantity,
    (LowStockActivityEnum)LowStockActivityId, NotifyAdminForQuantityBelow,
    Backorders, OrderMinimumQuantity,
    OrderMaximumQuantity, 0, DisableBuyButton, CallForPrice,
    Price, OldPrice, ProductCost, CustomerEntersPrice,
    MinimumCustomerEnteredPrice, MaximumCustomerEnteredPrice,
    Weight, Length, Width, Height, 0, null, null,
    true, false, 1, CreatedOn, DateTime.UtcNow);
13 лет назад
Yes you need to add custom code to get this done where you upload a file and changes are uploaded.
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