Problem on adding new Payement Methode

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13 лет назад
Hello all,
Im new for NopCommerce now im trying to add new payment gateway here i did all most all the things but now im getting follwoing errors.

Exception Details: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: type

Source Error:

Line 83:             if (paymentMethod == null)
Line 84:                 return decimal.Zero;
Line 85:             IPaymentMethod iPaymentMethod = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(paymentMethod.ClassName)) as IPaymentMethod;
Line 86:             return iPaymentMethod.GetAdditionalHandlingFee();
Line 87:         }

Source File: D:\khem\nopCommerce_1.30\Libraries\Nop.Common\Payment\PaymentManager.cs    Line: 85

any one can help me please.

13 лет назад
1. You specified wrong ClassName property value (ensure that specified assembly and class name exist)
2. Ensure that you added a reference of the new project to NopCommerceStore project
13 лет назад
Thank you for your answer

I check, for me everything is ok.

can you  indicate which file i have to check to be sure everything is good.

thanks for help.
13 лет назад
ussamoo wrote:
can you  indicate which file i have to check to be sure everything is good.

See the answer above. The problem is there

1. You specified wrong ClassName property value (ensure that specified assembly and class name exist). Go to payment method details page (admin area) and see "Class name" property.
2. Ensure that you added a reference (DLL) of the new project to NopCommerceStore project
13 лет назад

Now I get This Exception :

Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.Payment.IPaymentMethod' from assembly 'Nop.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
13 лет назад
I think that your payment module is not compatible with nopCommerce 1.70 because there's no IPaymentMethod interface 'Nop.Common' assembly
13 лет назад
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