Prodotti export to excell

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13 лет назад
Ciao a Tutti, problema:
Se provo a exportare da "prodotti" in formato excel tutto funziona, mentre quando importo ricevo il seguente errore:
Not a legal OleAut date.

Il sito è impostato:  Current time zone:  (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna  

Qualcuno sa aiutarmi?

Hello All, Problem:
If I try to export from "products" excel everything works, but when I import I get the following error:
Not a legal OleAut dates.

The site is set to: Current Time Zone: (GMT +01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

Somebody can help me?
13 лет назад
the problem seems to be caused by the date field in the product import

not sure why -

you could try removing the dates before upload ???
13 лет назад
Quando exporto da prodotti to Excel mi genera un file con nome:


se lo modifico e lo ricarico (importandolo sempre da prodotti: import from excel)
da il seguente errore:
                                  Not a legal OleAut date.

aggiorno l'ora in progressive del file che modifico: > ? Tipo: products_2010-08-26-14-23-25_6620.xls {???}

Non credo sia la soluzione.

Non lo so.
Grazie a chi risolve di cuore.
13 лет назад
(Translated by Microsoft Translator):
mediakele wrote:
When exporto from products to Excel I generates a file with name:

products_2010-08-26-2-23-25_6619 .xls

If I edit and reloading (always by importing it from products: import from excel)
from the following error:
                                  Not a legal OleAut dates.

I update the time in which I edit file progressive: >? Type: products_2010-08-26-2-23-25_6620 .xls {?}

I don't think it is the solution.

I do not know.
Thanks to those who resolves to heart.

Are you changing the values in the CreatedOn column in the Excel file before importing it? There should be an entry in the Log (Administration > System > Log) with more information about the error.

The error "Not a legal OleAut date." is caused by an argument exception when converting the OLE automation date to a DateTime via the DateTime.FromOADate method.


The error condition can be reproduced by setting a value for CreatedOn that is outside the valid ranges for an OLE Automation Date, before importing the file.

13 лет назад

Ecco l'errore!

Accedi tipo:  AdministrationArea  
Livello di gravità :  11  
Messaggio:  Non una data OleAut legale.  
Eccezione:  System.ArgumentException : Non una data OleAut legale. a System.DateTime.DoubleDateToTicks (valore doppio ) a System.DateTime.FromOADate (Double d) a NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.ExportImport.ImportManager.ImportProductsFromXLS (String FilePath ) in F: \ Own \ NopCommerce \ EnterpriseEdition \ 1.5Release \ Libraries \ Nop.BusinessLogic \ ExportImport \ ImportManager.cs : linea 237 a NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Administration.Modules.ProductsControl.btnImportXLS_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) in F: \ Own \ NopCommerce \ EnterpriseEdition \ 1.5Release \ NopCommerceStore \ Amministrazione \ Modules \ Products.ascx.cs : linea 192  
Indirizzo IP:  
Cliente:  [email protected]  
URL della pagina :  http://xxx/shopping/Administration/Products.aspx  
Referrer :  http://xxx/shopping/Administration/Products.aspx  
Creato il:  26/08/2010 23.28.33  

Non so come risolvere...
13 лет назад
1 errore sembra:
-192                ImportManager.ImportProductsFromXLS(filePath);

Io non so risolverlo...
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