The ConnectionString property has not been initialized

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13 лет назад
Previous version doesn't have this problem, only in 1.80. Frustrated.
13 лет назад
avendirect wrote:
Previous version doesn't have this problem, only in 1.80. Frustrated.

1.8 has a very different data access layer (Entity Framework vs vanilla ADO.NET).

All seems to be working for me so double check against my post. If still having trouble post again with the symptoms and hopefully someone will be able to help.
13 лет назад
kingboyk wrote:
1.8 has a very different data access layer (Entity Framework vs vanilla ADO.NET).

nopCommerce 1.70 also uses Entity Framework
13 лет назад
Lol, the new versions come so quickly I can't keep up :)
13 лет назад
I have the same problem. Is there a solution?
13 лет назад
I just ran into this.   I have the base nop in a master project then I have clients in their own projects with just the nopcommercestore project which References the master builds bin folder dlls

What I did was take the NopEntities connection string from the app.config file in Nop.BusinessLogic root and added it to my connection string in the ConnectionStrings.config file

I only need it locally since it only throws the error in my custom import.  so ill remove it when I go live with the site


13 лет назад
Thanks for the reply. Your solution didn't work for me however.
13 лет назад
I have the same problem in 1.7 and 1.8. It works fine locally, but when I attempt to run it on the host it bombs.
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