Medium Trust - Official response please

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13 лет назад

Before deciding to invest time, and money on nopCommerce I made sure it could run in medium trust by checking the following resources:

System requirements-
"Can be run in medium trust (except PDF and Excel related features)"

Asked on the forums-
"nopCommerce runs in medium trust except the following features/options:
1. Configuring Google Checkout payment method
2. PDF related options
3. Excel related options"

Purchased the official nopCommerce (version 1.80) User Guide-
Getting started "nopCommerce runs in medium trust"
Google checkout configuration

However, now that I've uploaded the site to my hosting it doesn't work, I can't even add a category which is extremely disappointing. Having searched the forum for the error I'm receiving, I found the following links, none of which seem to have a response from an official member:

Reports the above links in the support section:

More with the same issue:

This is obviously a common problem with medium trust environments making the store unusable, but there is no mention of it in any of the official channels.

It would be appreciated if an official member could provide some information of how to fix this issue?

13 лет назад
This issue is caused by AjaxControlToolkit:HTMLEditor bug. We'll move to a new editor in the next release (CKEditor or TinyMCE)
13 лет назад
I vote for CKEditor.
13 лет назад

Thanks for your response Andrei. I'm a bit disappointed though, I don't think nopCommerce should be stating that it works in medium trust when it doesn't natively. Saying that, I did as this user did:

I downloaded the AjaxControlToolkit source and added a try/catch around the line causing the error, rebuilt it, and replaced the current dll. It seems to be working fine now, but like the user above, I don't know if this will affect anything else.

Moving to a new editor sounds like a good idea, especially if it allows nopCommerce to function in a medium trust environment. If it does move to a new editor I feel it would be beneficial to settle on that editor for a while, as this is a key component in the UI. FCKeditor to AjaxControlToolkit to CKeditor/TinyMCE to something else, means administrators have to keep investing time in relearning skills to achieve the same goal.

Umbraco seem to have settled on TinyMCE. It might be an idea to go with it, as their audience and audience's clients will already be familiar with it, and possibly make nopCommerce a more appealing e-commerce solution.

13 лет назад
It might also be an idea to have a "Medium Trust" sticky or forum section?

When looking for Medium Trust information I found it was scattered throughout various posts, It would have been nice to have this in one area. It would probably also help to reduce the duplicate posts regarding the same Medium trust errors, such as the AjaxControlToolkit.

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