OK I need a gift registry but NopCommerce decided that it is too difficult building a registry (although all other ecommerce software has it and seem to have no trouble building it).

So I decided to rename my wish list to gift registry and made a checkout parameter where people can tell me which wish list/registry they are buying from then I can just go and manually remove the items from the wishlist - a lot of work but I am now stuck with NopCommerce so what do you do.

Well - I ran into a HUGE problem.  Somehow when I logged into the customer's account to update the wishlist, NopCommerce got confused with the sessions (I was also logged into my admin console on a different session) and associated the customer's wishlist with my account and the customer lost her whole wishlist (because it is now associated with me)

I have no idea how to fix it and is manually updating the customer's wishlist with all 55 items!  

Just a heads up for NopCommerce users that tries to do the same - you are walking on thin ice because the wishlist use session guids and not customer guids.

NopCommerce team - if you are thinkin of ever launching a Commercial e-commerce solution without a gift registry, forget about it.  If you don't know how to do go check Amazon.  E-Retailers can NOT compete without propper gift registries.