Returned Items

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13 лет назад
When a customer's return request has been completed and is no longer pending, there should be a way so that when they go back to their account, they shouldn't be able to submit a request for the same item they just returned.
13 лет назад
I disagree.

Customers may need to return faulty or damaged items but then want to reorder the same thing at a later date.

If this is something you wish to disallow your customers from doing then it's probably too specialized to your business to become the standard setup and you would need to code it in yourself.
13 лет назад
I meant when someone returns the item, they have the option to return that same item after they have returned it. If they re-order that item at a later time, it'll have a different order number.
12 лет назад
I totally agree that when the items is market as "Refund", the user should not be able to request a new return. We could end up to refund him twice. But I am sure it should be fairly easy to restrict the product in the return request form to display only the product with no return request.


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