Bulk Edits

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13 лет назад
Is there anyway to bulk edit products or catagory in other fields than what is possible now?  For example, I am trying to go into the database and "unpublish" almost  every item except  for computer ralated  items and the items  we are putting up for testing.

I have to go into each catagory and product  and unpublish it.  It  sure would  be  nice to do this in a spread  sheet format and  get them all at once.

13 лет назад
oops   I see the Unpublish bulk edit is there, but the second part of the question still applies.
13 лет назад
the bulk edit unpublishes product variants, not the product itself

if you want a quick way, you could try unpublishing everything with SQL and then manually re publish the few you want
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